Monday, June 08, 2009

Heart Of A Leader

As God's creation we have been given an innate instinct to be leaders as He commanded us in Genesis 1 to take dominion over all of the creatures on this earth, to fill the earth and subdue it (verses 26-28). Of course this is in the context of animals and the earth in general. But what about humans? Are we instantly good leaders to our brothers and sisters in Christ? If not, what makes us good leaders? Is it about us "laying down the law" and "expressing our authority?" Or is it about something deeper? As leaders are we instantly entitled to certain things that others aren't?

I think one of the greatest examples of a Godly leader shown in the Old Testament was Solomon. What made Solomon so great was his heart. In 1 Kings Chapter 3 we see the heart of Solomon shown in verses 5-14 where, while in Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked him what is it that He (the Lord) should give him. How would we have answered that question? A healthy life? A good home? That smokin' sports car that you have been eyeballing at the local dealership? Maybe for our families to be blessed? While these aren't necessarily bad things to have what really impressed God was Solomon's heart for the people. In verse 6 Solomon acknowledges the position that he was in as king and the awesome responsibility that comes with that. He also acknowledged in verse 7 that he couldn't handle the task on his own as he was a young and inexperienced king with very little knowledge on how to lead. The biggest acknowledgment that Solomon expressed was actually in verse 8 about how all of the people that he was given to lead were the Lord's people, who were great in the eyes of the Lord and so many that he couldn't even count them.

In verse 9 Solomon answers the Lord's question by asking for an understanding heart, that he would be able to distinguish what was good and what was bad, and finally that all of his judgements towards his people were right based on that understanding heart and knowing what was good and bad.

When Solomon made that request the Lord was pleased! How amazing would that be to know that your requests that you made to God actually might put a smile on His face! You see it is about a heart that has the ability to look beyond ourselves and any "selfish ambition" to see the people around us as more important. That we can do right by them, that we can approach them with an understanding heart. This is at the very heart of God and is the example of a loving heart.

Of course you might be thinking "But Dave - is it wrong for me to have that car or that house? What about my health?" No, but it is more about evaluating your heart about the matter. In verses 12 and 13 the Lord tells Solomon because of his heart and asking for that understanding that He was not only going to give him that wisdom and understand but He was also going to give him things that he didn't ask for. The Lord was referring to riches and honour, and even more than that... that there wasn't going to be another King like Solomon! If we read on in Kings we can see countless times where not only that wisdom is shown but how richly blessed Solomon truly was!

So what about us? What about the positions that God has put us in? What about the people in our lives? Are we approaching it with a heart for them or out of a selfish heart? As bosses are we more concerned about our "bottom line" than the well being of our employees? As husbands are we more concerned about what we are getting out of the marriage relationship more than our wives? What about the wives? Are we looking beyond ourselves to our husbands? What about the parents hearts towards our children? I am going to take some time to truly evaluate myself and my heart and see where I am at in all of this so that I can do right by all that I come in contact with daily. I pray that we all can take a moment to do that as I think we might be surprised at what we'll see.

The exciting thing is that when we truly repent and decide to get our hearts right not only will be blessed by being a blessing to others, verse 14 reminds us that as we walk in His ways that we will have long days!

Blessings and Love!

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