Thursday, January 31, 2008

This Kind Of Love....

(this is a bit of a long read but it is something God has helped me with and I thought it would be good to share)

The world has put out what it's concept of love is trying to incorporate a "selfish" mentality that is ultimately rooted in religion and tries to blame others for the problems in their life. I want to do everything that I can to rid myself of that mentality and get to know God's love like never before. I know that there has been many times that I have fallen short but I am thankful that God's love has helped me realize who I am and I am finally at the point of where I can love myself. I also realize that this same love is what I am to show everyone at all times no matter what is going on.

As I have been growing in this I have really been asking God for His word to be opened up to me and He has shown me some powerful things that I am using as a guideline in my relationship with others. Not in the religious "thou shall not" sense but more of a checklist that I can evaluate how I interact with others. Did it line up with His love completely? What can I do to make this better the next time? When I have realized that I have fallen short I don't get into condemnation, but I get excited because I know that the next time my reactions will be better!

Again the world tries to portray in a way that is so far from the way that God has intended but God has helped me with my understanding. The following is what the Holy Spirit helped me with as I have read through the foundational "love chapter", 1 Corinthians 13 in the Amplified Bible.

This kind of love…

I can be schooled greatly and even know God and His Word but if I don't grasp His love for me and His love for others and operate in that love my thoughts and actions are without any worth whatsoever and I can forget about my Faith even working even if it is entirely within God's will. I can give of myself, my time and my finances and if it isn't by God's love I might as well burn it all without any expectation of harvest. What exactly is this love? Beyond it being God Himself it is the following nature.

This kind of love endures everything and everyone that tries us and our patience and in the midst of these trials will always show the goodness of God no matter how badly they are treated and will never hold a grudge.

This kind of love never sees another person with jealousy in their heart and even if the temptation to be jealous arises it will NEVER lash out because of it.

This kind of love does not go around telling others of how great they are and gossip about how others are not meeting the mark. Because this kind of love understands that everyone is growing and learning and that this is a process that never stops no matter how old you may get.

This kind of love does not let pride get in the way of the relationships in their life and always treats others fairly. It ultimately acts respectfully towards others. It doesn't get consumed with any way that they were wronged and standing up for their rights but puts others before themselves and it most certainly does not lash out in anger. Nor does it hold any grudge or bitterness towards others.

This kind of love does not celebrate when somebody "gets what's coming to them" or has a "I told you so" attitude. Along with this it does not go around gossiping to others about these things. Rather it celebrates when the God's goodness and blessings are poured out on others and will be quick to point out only those good things to others.

This kind of love, no matter what kind of battle or opposition it is faced with, looks at everyone and sees them for who they are truly are, God's beautiful creation that has a call and a purpose and needs support in their call. If anyone comes to them with "contrary reports" they are quick to stop those reports and defend that person at a moment's notice. It will always believe the best no matter how "peer pressure" will try to make them think otherwise.

This kind of love shows a loyal and dependable person that people can count on and isn't given into the "new and exciting" things. Rather it is consistent and faithful from beginning to end. Thos new and exciting things, those rumors, and even the book knowledge will find it's end but this kind of love is timeless and lasts forever and ever.

Knowledge, ability, strength, and our thoughts and concepts will only last for a little while. But these things have nothing to do with perfection and maturity. To hold on to and rely on these things is actually a mark of immaturity and the only way I can even begin to grow is to walk in this kind of love. So I need to throw the rest aside.

Take a good look at yourself… what do you see? Do you REALLY see who you are or what this world and others has made you out to be? Do you see a person who has been fulfilled and satisfied? Sure you may see some of the things that may be who you are, but don't you want to see the fullness? Then really take the time to know this kind of love. Evaluate yourself, how you are with others and your actions. Do they line up with all of the aforementioned? Do they line up with this kind of love?

Faith is good and we need it, we go to God's word and speak it. Hope is what keeps us going in the confident expectation that God will give us every single promise he told us. But again let me emphasize that you might as well throw it all away if you don't have this kind of love.

Do you know "this kind of love"?