Monday, June 16, 2008

Proverbs 14

(As the Holy Spirit ministers to me while reading it)

Look at the wife that God can trust with her wisdom building her house and bringing life into it. This is not merely from labor and work but it is also from her speech and conduct. She speaks highly of her husband and of her children and lets them know how much they are valued and appreciated. She isn’t like the foolish destructive wife who will at the first moment she has go to one of her girlfriends and gets into a “gossip-fest” complaining of her rotten husband and kids not realizing that part of the reason they are “rotten” is because of what she has been speaking into their life. She tears apart her own home and dreams of where the grass is greener not realizing that the very minute she moves into those greener pastures death will slowly kill that land off as well. Husbands you can be just as guilty of this so don’t think you are off the hook.

You see it is about respect – You want to walk in your righteousness with every covenant promise coming to pass? Then respect and revere the Lord your God, knowing that it is He that put life into your body and gave you a purpose. Don’t resent Him because in your mind you had different ideas and concepts and because you are not spending time with Him you are not realizing the true desires of your heart that you should be going after. Watch your mouth! Don’t just go off and let your temper get the best of you in certain situations. You are not getting anywhere with your foolish ramblings. Instead you are actually making things worse! Don’t speak of all the problems in your life with a “victim mentality”… instead speak of solutions after you have consulted God and got His say on the matter. When God tells you something to do… do it! Sure it might mean that you have to get your hands dirty and do some things that aren’t really that appealing to you at first. It may even seem like an impossible task. But when you get God involved and actually do what He says the dirty and the less appealing you will find is not really that bad after all. You will also find that the seemingly impossible is indeed possible.

Speak the truth only! This will guarantee you trust and favor with God. When you go after Him to get guidance and understanding and when you ask for wisdom, He will give it to you because He knows that you will be a true ambassador of Him. If you look at those that are constantly lying and speaking down about the things of God you will see someone that is trapped in poverty and torment. You can speak the truth to them but be careful with your fellowship with them because they will eventually tear you down. These people try to make a loud open show of who they are and laugh at the face of God because they are caught up in their sin and deceit and they think that they will not have to pay for their actions. So remember to forgive and keep your heart clean. Don’t get caught up in sin that would cause you to walk around condemned. All of these things will cause your faith to not work and it will be apparent to those around you and it will impact your relationships.

Do you want your house to be a mighty and indestructible house? Do you want your family to be blessed and happy? Then get beyond your “natural thinking” and start thinking in the “supernatural”. Sure it may defy your logic and what may be the “popular opinion” but know that going that route is a path towards destruction. Sure you may have some “feel good” moments but it will be empty and you will feel unfulfilled. Sure you may be able to say “I did it my way” but is that type of pride worth the lack of satisfaction that can only be given from Father God? It’s good to take in the word of God and listen to it… but are you really applying it to your life? Is it shown in your actions? Is it heard in your speech? Are you doing your best to separate yourself from this world and it’s seductive ways? Or are you caught up in this world with its loud and obnoxious behavior that is riddled with self-indulgence and pride? Do you snap at the littlest things with rage and make decisions without consulting God first? Don’t you realize that by doing that you are not only losing your favor God but also with man, in fact they will resent you for your behavior and you will be judged base on it.

It’s simple – act on what God tells you and He will give you knowledge and understanding beyond your own comprehension. People will see this knowledge and respect you for it. With this comes favor and riches that will be recognized and heralded. People will be drawn to you because of it! Remember to not become hard-hearted towards these people. Instead keep your motivation rooted in God’s love that desires to only see the best for all of His children. This will bring you ultimate happiness. If you walk away from this you are caught up in sin and out of the will of God. With that you are walking susceptible to the curses of this world and God can’t do a thing about it. So do good – do his will and see His protection, mercy, truth and goodness operate in your life!

Sure if you work it will bring a result. Or as we know it by the kingdom, “if we sow, we reap”. But what kind of seed are you sowing? Is it filled with useless non-sense or destruction? That will send you directly to the poor house and make your life worthless. But riches and honor come from speaking and acting on God’s word, His truth! How are you using your time? Are you being a good steward over it? Or are you running around wasting it to the point of no results? If so, repent, and go and do what God has told us to do! That starts by saving souls and speaking of God’s goodness and truth. Be a good ambassador of Christ and never misrepresent Him. This kind of love and respect that you have for Him will be what will enable you to hold your head high and speak boldly with conviction knowing that any form of retaliation will not have any effect on you because you are shielded by almighty God! You will also have an abundant prospering of life that will pour out onto those around you and keep you from being caught up in one of the devil’s traps. People will be drawn to you by God’s glory and that is what will bring you honor. Remember, it’s about the people not about you. If you start making it about you the people will turn from you and the vision that God has set before you will pass away.

Again show restraint when it comes to anger because if you don’t you will look like a total and utter fool. Show God’s peace that passes your own intellect in every situation and watch how healthy of a life you will live. Do not act in jealousy or envy; after all that doesn’t have an ounce of God’s love in it and it will cause a root of bitterness in your life that will destroy your physical well being.

Don’t hold people back from their full potential for your own selfish agenda or motives because this will show that you are far from the will of God in your life and that you have very little fellowship with Him. Instead do all you can to promote others and help them get to the next level in life because this will show that you have God’s nature deep within you. Selfish agendas and motives will cause you nothing but heartache and death that will be seen by all and effects all as you are out of God’s protection and will. When you take on God’s “selfless” nature you will have the fullness of His wisdom operating in you and you will start to see things more clearly to be able to face the daily trials of life. This will bring you to higher places and promotions when you walk in the righteousness of God through our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus! This is because of His favor is upon you!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Proverbs 13

(As the Holy Spirit ministers to me while reading it)

Listen to your Father and obey what you have been told because this is where wisdom comes from. Sometimes what you hear will not be words to make you “feel good” but instead it will be something that you need to be corrected on. Take those words in as well and truly evaluate yourself with them. And by all means do not complain and grumble about them. What you say is so important and sometimes you need to just shut up and listen. Every word that comes from your mouth will either bring life or death into the situation so if you are smart you will chose your words carefully. Don’t be like the hot headed ones that spew out their emotions at the drop of a hat while wearing their emotions on their sleeve. This type of attitude and behavior will get you nowhere in life, in fact, it will set you further back than anything else.

Don’t be like the lazy couch potatoes that sit around with these dreams of “what could have been” and yet take no incentive to make them happen. Instead get up, and get moving! Each day take another step towards that dream even if it is to cover it in prayer and be sure to keep that dream in front of your face constantly so it does not die!

Let’s separate ourselves from those who devise evil. We stand for integrity and truth and will not tolerate the lying and deceit that comes from them. We will take a stand for our brothers and sisters and protect them at a moment’s notice while those who devise evil will try to take them out for their own gain. We don’t try to trumpet out who great we are to others because we walk in humility while they will boast of their self proclaimed greatness out of their pride. We realize the value of our life and will take God’s word and correction to heart to make sure that we are walking right while those who devise evil will shut their ears off from it. Because of the righteousness, honor, integrity and humility that we walk in we have a life that is going to prosper and endure while the scoffers will live in poverty and death. We stand for and adhere to God’s wisdom but they are too proud to allow that wisdom to have any place in their life so they will do all they can to “stir the pot” and poison it. Sure it may seem that they have won in some circumstances and it even may appear that they are becoming wealthy from it but believe me the time will soon come where the “bad seed” will catch up to them and the harvest on the “good seed” that we have sown will soon come and that harvest will stand the test of time.

Let’s go back the dreams and visions that we talked about earlier. Don’t you realize how important it is to have them? If you lose sight of them you will lose purpose and that leads to life filled with sickness and hopelessness. So re-ignite that vision, that dream, and get focused to fulfill it because that is when your life is going to abound to levels you never even thought imaginable!

When God speaks respect and revere it like your life depends on it, because it does. When you do this you will be rewarded with the fulfillment of your dreams and visions. If you resent the fact that God cares enough to try to get you on track it will bring a self-inflicted destruction. Those Words are there to bring you life to you and make sure that you don’t get snagged by the traps that this world will try to get you caught in. To rebel against that Word will almost guarantee that you will be snagged by one of those traps. When you truly take on God’s word and meditate on it so that you get that revelation and understanding you will find out how much easier life can be. Things will come to you that you thought were impossible. If you are obedient and act on the Word you will actually find that it works! In like manner if you turn from that word you will find that life will be painful and you will have to resort to being a slave so that you can “get by”. Your actions will bring no result and your life will be cut short. Sure you may resort to sending out “bad reports” and gossip to gain favor but you will find that your words will actually work against you and kill you. So be like the faithful bunch and speak God’s word only and bring life into every situation.

So don’t resent these words because that kind of attitude will destroy you and make you look like an idiot for all to see. Instead embrace these words and see how much God will honor and promote because He can trust you! Stay clear from the ways of the evil one and go after what God has told you because He will see to it that it will come to pass and the satisfaction that you get from that will far surpass anything this world can give you!

Be mindful of your fellowship. Are you hanging out with people that are walking right or with people that mock God? Are you doing your best to live a holy and pure life or are you hanging out in the bars and getting drunk with the rest of the worldly bunch? I don’t have to remind you which brings you life and which brings you death.

What I am getting at is stewardship. Are you being faithful with what God has given you or are you throwing it out and wasting it so you can look cool. This “keeping up with the Jones’s” mentality will not only make an impact on you but on your children and their children. So live right and be good stewards over what God has given you. When it comes to finances, invest and see the return for the future. Don’t simply look at your retirement but look at your children’s future to make sure that their needs are met and they can do the same and add to it for their children. Imagine how much more they can do to impact this world if you simply take the initiative and make this permanent change to your family tree. Beyond finances be sure to instruct your children in the ways of God and if they get off be quick to correct them. Yes this may mean you have to get out the wooden spoon and spank their behinds. I am not talking about abusing or beating them to a pulp. Always follow the correction with love to let them know that you are simply looking out for their well being.

Bottom line you follow God’s words and be good stewards you will live a long, prosperous and peaceful life that will be past down to your descendants. If you don’t follow God’s words and be good stewards you will live the life of a slave that will never experience satisfaction.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Proverbs 12

(As the Holy Spirit ministers to me while reading it)

Do you want to excel in life and learning? Then learn to embrace what God is telling you. Take every morsel of it and apply it to your life and use it as a point of reference to see if you are on track or not. If you don’t embrace it… if you feel pride start to boil up when you hear that word from God for you and despise Him for meddling in your life then get used to being an idiot on a path of destruction. He looks at the heart of the individual and sees whether or not the motivations are pure and in His love. When they are He will see to it that good things will start happening for us. When the motivations are not rooted in purity and love but instead rooted in selfishness it will bring destruction and death to that individual. This individual will get beat up with every battle that comes along and will be swayed by circumstances very easily. The pure and loving hearts will not even be shaken by the trials that try to come along.

A wife that has this same pure and loving heart will show honor to her husband at all times. But the wife that is selfish will talk down and destroy him. Be sure that you guard your heart from those who will try to gossip, manipulate, deceive and seduce you and instead meditate on the truth from God only. The deceivers are trying to destroy you for their own selfish gain and if you speak out the truth to them they will be forced to shut up because they have no REAL defense. In due time the battles will become to great for these individuals and they will eventually perish but through it all you are still standing there unshaken for all to see and they will respect you and trust you and so will God. They will realize that the one that was speaking evil was not looking out for their best interests but their own selfish gain and they will turn from those people. They talked a big talk for all to see but when it came down to it they lacked substance.

God has given so much to be entrusted with and we should be faithful to be good stewards over these things. We must take care of, look after, and make sure that what we have been given is growing to the fullest. This takes work, hard work, but know that if we simply work it that it will prosper. The deceptive bunch will throw their goods around to make an open show so that people will think that they are great but they have no concept of the harm that they are doing. When things start to run out they will blame others and do what they can to destroy so that they can get their goods. This attitude and deception will catch up with them and they will have no defense against the truth. And those of us with the right hearts will come through this attack unscathed.

It doesn’t really matter what others may say through all of this. It really matters what each of us say individually for our own self being. What we say, we will have. The deceptive folks will convince themselves that they are right and no one can tell me differently. They will have an attitude that they are above any type of rebuke and correction and despise anyone that would try to bring it to light. They will get loud about it and lash out for all to see while those who are wise will hold their tongue and meditate on what God is telling them. They will realize where they have missed it, repent and get right with God quickly along with anyone that they may have wronged in the process.

If we want to be in good standings we will speak God’s word only in every situation and speak of His goodness and love for all of us. We will speak life only into every situation and this is a life that can’t be destroyed. The deceptive ones will twist and pervert that word to their own favor and some will speak against it. They will try to tear people down around them to make themselves look better and it may seem for a moment that they are winning but they are going to soon realize the destruction that is coming to them. These people walk around thinking that others have the same mentality that they have and because that they walk in total distrust that not only manifests with others but it is a mistrust that goes towards God. No matter how hard they try they will never be happy or satisfied. So let’s speak the truth only! That is where the peace that passes all understanding comes from. That is where the true joy that is our strength abides! That is the key to our abundant life!

Do you want to upset God? Then lie, boast, and be selfish. Do you want to please God? Then walk by faith that is motivated by love and speak the truth only!

Do you want to be a slave for the rest of your life? Then sit back and become complacent and watch things around you rot away until the terror and fear attacks. Do you want to be the Royalty that God has called you to be? Then get to work! Put your hand to the plow and be faithful with what has given you to see that it prospers. Take in every word that God gives you because that will bring life and happiness to you as you work. Be careful who you fellowship with because there may be some selfish ones that will try to slip in and take some venomous jabs to get your thinking off of what God has told you. Most importantly… don’t give up! Finish the course because that diligence will bring you great reward. It will bring you that abundant life with no death or destruction.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Proverbs 11

(As the Holy Spirit ministers to me while reading it)

Playing favorites with people and manipulating others is something that disgusts God. Rather, He loves seeing things being done with justice and fairness realizing that since we are created equal in the eyes of God. Some people will try to put them in places or positions of greater importance but they are heading for a rude awakening.

God will honor those that put equal value on everyone, including themselves, because this is showing God’s wisdom. They choose to walk with honor and truthfulness and this will guarantee that they will be walking down the right path in life. But those who choose to distort the truth will end up being put to shame. It doesn’t matter how much they have accumulated over the years or how well they try to make themselves look because the end result will be their destruction and death.

Those who walk the way Jesus walked and talk the way He talked, as a servant putting others first, will NEVER be put to shame. But those who are caught up in themselves and their foolish pride are caught in a pit of hopelessness. They will soon realize that everything that they were expecting in life because of “who they are” and “how much better they are” is all for naught. The very thing that God delivered those who are walking in His ways from will have no choice but to go and destroy the prideful. Out of their despair and jealousy they will try to place blame on others and try to show their faults. Those who are walking in God’s ways don’t even give thought to those accusations because they are confident what He has told them.

Those who are walking with God and in His ways get excited to see when good things have happened to their brother or sister and don’t even get into jealous thoughts. Because they know that the blessing that their brother or sister has received is going to be a good thing for all who are involved because they are faithful to use it for what God has said. It doesn’t matter how the prideful will mock and try to tear it apart and know that they will because they have know true understanding, relationship or fellowship with God. But it doesn’t matter to the righteous ones because we have that truly intimate relationship with God and know who He is and do our best to walk in His character and that gives them total peace against any attack.

These prideful ones will try their best to get you to jump on their bandwagon saying, “I know something about this individual that you don’t”, trying their best to get you to change your thinking towards that individual. But those who are TRULY walking with God know better and will do all they can to protect that individual and never make mention of anything that could hurt or defame them whatsoever.

Do you want to truly stand in these last days? Then surround yourself with people of God, people of honor and integrity that speak Gods word only and not their fleshly opinions. Those people will bring only destruction to not only you but to themselves.

If we truly walk in God’s love and grace we will be honored for the things that we do but if we walk in our flesh and with selfish motives (ultimately being fearful) we will simply try to consume things for our self and that brings dishonor and destruction. Don’t we want to be forgiven? Then we should forgive everyone and extend grace and understanding towards them. If we don’t do this we are going to bring ourselves into a horrible existence that is barreling towards death.

Those who do not truly walk in God’s love will try to deceive others in order to make themselves look better and it may appear in the immediate that it is working. Don’t let this shake you who are walking in God’s love, in His honor and integrity, because the day is coming where the honor and blessings will be heaped upon you. That is a fact that you can take to the bank! You will have an abundant life while the deceivers will have death and poverty. God does not like this prideful spirit whatsoever but He gets up and applauds those who take on His excellent loving spirit!

It may appear that the deceptive bunch may winning with the number of people that have surrounding “their cause” but know that their demise is indeed coming. Also know that if you are walking in God’s love, honor, and integrity you will be delivered from the wake of that demise.

They are going to be those that will try to seduce you with their good looks and charm but know that they are no better than a pig in a mud hole and they desire that you get dirty with them.

God is a good God and desires good things for all of His children. That desire is shared with those who walk in His ways. While those who are caught up in their own selfish desires are wanting to see people taken out in the name of false justice. They are a stingy bunch who horde everything up for themselves which is taking them out of God’s trust and in turn keeps them from His blessings. Not the ones who walk in His ways. They are ready, willing and able to give and this thrills God to no end and for that He gives them so much more! It’s simple folks… it’s about sowing and reaping. You give, and you will receive. You care, and you will be cared for. So why hold out anymore? You are not only losing trust in the sight of God but with others as well and completely lose any ounce of favor that you may have had. It’s not about the money, it’s about the people. That is what is truly on God’s heart. Walk with this same heart and you will be blessed beyond your ability to explain it.

Be a troublemaker and you will be swept away to never be remembered. Be foolish and you will be forced to make recompense for all of your evil doings. So walk like Jesus did, like a servant who loves His people, and see the life flourish around you. Teaching others how to repent and walk this way is walking in the fullness of your relationship and knowledge of your Father God. Know that regardless of who is doing right and wrong that justice will be served.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Proverbs 10

(As the Holy Spirit ministers to me while reading it)

Solomon pleased God by his heart to do right by God’s people and for that God has blessed him with so much wisdom and he has shared it with us. In the same manner God wants us to know that if we act and speak with wisdom this makes God happy and allows Him to trust us with so much more.

In like manner if you disregard that wisdom and act like a rebellious fool you will cause grief for so many people and in turn will lose God’s willingness to trust you with what He has for you. This ill-focused value system for the rebellious fools will not allow them to move forward in life. To the contrary, it leads them down a vicious path towards death and destruction.

Praise God that we, being declared righteous and walking in obedience with God’s wisdom, we shall be delivered from that death and destruction. In fact we will never have to deal with a single day in lack or despair!

The rebellious ones with their rebellious desires will not be allowed to have one ounce of this type of prosperity. Those who are not willing to take a step of faith and do what God has told them to do out of their laziness and their fleshly desires shall be eaten away with poverty.

We are faithful to God’s call and command so we do what he says and He heaps up riches upon us. So much riches that we have no choice but to bless others with it! We aren’t like the ones who say “I’ll get to it when I feel like it”. If this attitude comes from a Christian it puts a black eye on the image of God, do we want that? No, Instead we are the ones that say, “God wants this done now so I am going to go after it and make sure it is done fully and with excellence.” With this heart and mind-set brings so much blessings. We are not talking about merely the financial blessings. We are also talking spiritually, mentally, physically, and materially!

Beware of what comes out of the mouth of the rebellious ones. They are about tearing others apart and manipulating you to follow their agenda. Unlike us faithful ones who have a noted place in history without shame or blemish these rebellious folk will go down in infamy and eventually will be forgotten and become insignificant. We being faithful take on every word that is spoken to us from God and take it on as if our life depends on it because it does. We will stand and continue to stand with honor and dignity because of this unlike the rebellious fools who will have the carpet yanked out from under them as they fall to a slow and painful death. We don’t speak out words of manipulation that tries to flatter and tickle the ears of others; instead we speak out the truth only! Those manipulative and twisted words from the rebellious ones may work for a time period but eventually it will come to light and when it does look out! Those “looks of seduction” that tries to titillate and appeal to others flesh only will cause a lot of hurt and heartache in the long run.

Since we are faithful and obedient we will speak life into others and of God’s goodness and love. The rebellious ones will continually try to tear apart and destroy others in order to promote their own agenda. They will do all they can to have one person against another so that they can get ahead. Whereas us being faithful and obedient to God’s word have been taught to forgive and never make mention of any misdoings to anyone no matter how bad it might have been. Since love is the ultimate motivation of us being faithful and obedient we will approach all things with understanding and speaking out God’s wisdom in every situation. We take on what God has spoken to us, His wisdom, and has allowed it to get into our heart and challenge us in our daily walk. We daily think about this word, speak it, and apply it in every area. Unlike the rebellious ones who have brought on themselves the correction, rebuke and ultimate destruction that they have. These rebellious ones labor in vain. Sure it may appear for a time period that all is well and that they are getting ahead but soon the poverty and destruction will catch up with them. But we being righteous and faithful should rejoice in the fact that everything that we put our hands to prospers. We are the ones that have life and have it more abundantly! We take on God’s word and follow it to the letter. We won’t compromise because we know that no matter how little the compromise is, it will eventually lead us away from God’s path in our lives.

Some may try to hide the fact that they despise another with their “kind words” but ultimately they are lying to themselves and to God. And those who instead will do all they can to gossip and manipulate others and their thinking towards that individual is a raging idiot. Instead they should simply shut up, restrain their tongue, and let God talk to them about that individual to allow His love to show through. That individual is being wise and will bring strength and value to the table, whereas the others will de-value anything that they become involved with. The impact of those that are faithful and obedient goes out to so many areas and is eternal while the rebellious ones will simply die.

When we are walking in that faithful obedience we will then know what it is to be truly blessed! There will be no confusion or suffering from it. The rebellious ones take on their slander and manipulation like a game trying to make every move to step over others for their own selfish game in total disregard to the other individual. It is a sad existence for these folks because they think that people are approaching them in like manner. They are constantly paranoid and fearful that someone will get the best of them and the sad part is… they’re right! It is unavoidable since they will sow what they reap.

Since we are faithful and obedient to God and His word we should be confident in the fact that our desires are actually the same as His desires and with that we have the knowledge that they will come to pass! Sure we are in this world with all of it’s confusion and perversion but since we took a stand to not become “of” this world we will stand once all of the evil dies away.

Do you want to experience irritation and suffering beyond belief? Put your trust in one of the rebellious ones and see what happens. If we truly respect and honor the Lord our God we will have a long and prosperous life but the rebellious days will be numbered and they will not be good ones. We have the confident expectation that God will do what he said and that is exciting but the rebellious has nothing that they can count on or take to the bank so eventually that hope will disappear for them. As we walk in obedience and faithfulness to God’s plan He will give us strength while the rebellious will be vexed with weakness. In the grand scheme of things we will eventually have this earth to call ours while the rebellious will be forced from it to go to the pits of hell. What we speak is God’s wisdom in every situation and that brings life and the rebellious would be better off to get rid of their ability to speak because they take the truth and pervert it to their own selfish gain while we speak only what is right!