Has God ever told you something that others have tried to talk you out of? Even worse, have you ever been talked out of something that God has told you specifically to do? Or how about this, have you ever been told to do something by someone that just didn't seem right and you weren't sure what to do? Well let me ask you this... how is your relationship with the Lord? Do you really know His voice? If it's a good steady relationship where you can say that you know His voice, then why should you doubt?
The other day in my "daily reading" I found myself in 1 Kings 13 and the Holy Spirit really ministered to my heart about some things and kept bringing me back to them. In this verses 1-26 we have a the story of a "younger" prophet who heard from the Lord that on his journey he was not to eat and drink and that he was not to go home back the same way he came. He was obedient to this in his first encounter with Jeraboam but when he encountered the "older" prophet he was deceived by him and ended up going against what God had commanded him. This sin caused the younger prophet to be killed by a Lion and he was not buried with his family. Why did he decide to go with the "older" prophet's word over God's word? Was it because he was more experienced? Maybe he held a position of authority that made it very easy for the person to fall into the deceit. It is so important to have a personal relationship with the Lord and follow the command that He tells you and not let the influence of others interfere with that even if those others might be in a position of authority over you or a declared prophet.
Now let me clarify something here... this is for areas in your own personal life not in some area where you do not have authority. So no, God is not going to call you to overthrow your boss at work or your Pastor at church and do something that they did not allow or authorize. God is a God of order and not chaos. He may call you to give a word to your boss or pastor (be absolutely certain before you do and be very careful how you address it with them) and then it is up to them to take heed or not.
What God will always talk to us about is about things in our personal life, our homes, our family relationships, our marriages, where we are called to serve, who we are to minister to next, etc. Bottom line it is about what God says to us directly and it is about our own personal relationship with him. We can't let anyone take us away from that or try to influence another direction... even if they are "ones in authority". Be sure to check your leadings in this... does it line up with the Word of God? Jesus told us in John 10:27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." Besides time in the Word we must also spend time in prayer, talking to Him and letting Him talk to us. Here is a little secret when He does talk to us... LISTEN! After that be obedient to what He tells you and don't let anyone else talk you out of it. I can't help but think about Elijah when he was the only prophet for the God of Israel when he faced the 450 prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18). He could allowed the pressure of the multitude get to him and back down but he didn't and did the God show up in a major way for Him!
So how is our "personal" time? Are we letting God speak to us and are we really spending time with Him? How will we know what is God's voice speaking to us or someone else just trying to take control of our lives. It's time to start making it "personal" folks!
Blessings and Love!
This is simply a journal of things that God talks to me about as I seek Him. It gives me a point of reference to go back to and who knows? It may be applicable to something going on in your life! (of course off to the side and below you will see other things about me as well)... REMEMBER: "IN ALL THINGS, APPROACH IN LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING"
That is a good word, David. I agree!
Thanks Pastor Dave!
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