This is from something I shared with my men's group recently and thought I would share with you. It is a good follow up to my last blog "Counsel vs. Contention" and it comes from 2 Chronicles chapters 10 & 12. Do you ever wonder why good people do things that are out of line, wrong or dare I say just "evil"? Have you ever done something or in the process of going through something where you ask yourself, "What was I thinking?" or "What's wrong with me?" all along knowing that your heart may be a heart to do what is good and right?
In my recent readings in 2 Chronicles I read about the story of Jeroboam who was in living in exile from Solomon as Solomon wanted him dead from a prophecy that Solomon had heard. Solomon was very hard on the people with taxing them and forced labor. In chapter 10 after Solomon's death he heard that Reohoboam was made king so he came out of exile to plead with Rehoboam to lighten the burden that Solomon had put on the people. When Jeroboam presented this to Rehoboam he told him that the people serve him forever. Rehoboam wasn't sure what to say to this so he told Jeroboam to go away for three days so that he can figure out what to do.
Rehoboam first went to the elders for counsel on the matter. These elders actually served and saw things during King Solomon's reign so they were greatly experienced. They told Rehoboam that he should definitely lighten the load and treat the people nicely because this would lead to them serving him with gladness. Rehoboam wasn't pleased with this answer for some reason so he decided to get the counsel of the "younger men" that he grew up with. The younger men told him not only should he not loosen the load but he should definitely make even harder on them. For some reason Rehoboam liked hearing this so that is how he proceeded which caused a rebellion and a battle that almost destroyed his kingdom.
When reading this in the past I always thought that the reason things were falling apart was because of him seeking the counsel of the young guns over the older more experienced crowd. Which is true and by no means should lesson the importance of good counsel but somehow I was missing the "root" of the matter which is revealed in chapter 12. It wasn't necessarily because Rehoboam was evil or a bad guy because during the course of the battle he does repent to the Lord which ended the battles. Verse 14 of Chapter 12 tells us that Rehoboam did evil because he did not purpose in his heart to seek the Lord.
The thing that I have noticed is anytime that I end up messing up end up getting the wrong mindset about things it always ends up being rooted in one thing... my not purposing in my heart to seek the Lord. I have also noticed that is more than merely seeking Him, it is actually "purposing in my heart" to seek Him. I can pick up a Bible and read the Words whenever I want but what does my heart want out of it? Just to do something out of religion or ritual? Or is it out of an honest yearning to spend time with God and get all that He has for you out of a heart of reverence, love and respect for Him.
If we see someone who is doing things that they shouldn't be doing or whose thinking is off and even saying things that are out of line, will we be a loving enough brother or sister in the Lord to ask them how their relationship with the Lord really is? Is there a true purposing in their heart to seek the Lord or are they letting other things come first in their lives? It is hard with the distractions that take place in the world today but if we just take the first step with Him I believe we will be amazed at what happens... I know I have been!
This is simply a journal of things that God talks to me about as I seek Him. It gives me a point of reference to go back to and who knows? It may be applicable to something going on in your life! (of course off to the side and below you will see other things about me as well)... REMEMBER: "IN ALL THINGS, APPROACH IN LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING"
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Counsel vs. Contention
As I have been seeking counsel on some things in my life from other Christian men I always end up prefacing the sessions with "I don't want this to become just a gossip session." Recently I have realized that I may be saying this out of habit without the real revelation of what this means, so I have been seeking God by going to Him in prayer and seeking His Word for a clearer understanding. The Bible does warn us after all that those who gossip are in the same class as those who murder and hate God and ultimately ignore Him (Romans 1:28-30). Even more-so this kind of behavior can potentially affect your salvation (Galatians 5:19-21)
This is not to say that you can't talk about a situation that is going on to get the counsel that you need. The underlying question is where does that conversation lead? What is the fruit of the conversation? Unfortunately when we have issues that have to be dealt with they oftentimes involve other people. To the one giving counsel - did your opinion of the person that is being brought up change to something less than before? Did you give advice based on that opinion or add fuel to the fire that the person who came to you for counsel? Proverbs 26 tells us that "where there is no fuel a fire goes out" and "where there is no gossip arguments come to an end". Are we actually trying to put out those fires or are we simply "adding wood" to the fire? It is so hard because this gossip a lot of times will come in what a lot of times will seem to be such a sympathetic and caring word or as Proverbs 26 continues to tell us "nothing so delicious" and "it melts in your mouth" but behind it there are "hateful thoughts" and "evil plans". We are warned here to watch out for anyone like this because they are really "out to get you".
So for those of us put in the position of counselor we need to look beyond what is being said and do our part to heal the situation (or put out the fire). After all, we all are broken humans that have our share of issues that we need to approach with the compassion and understanding. Whenever someone comes to me for "brotherly advice" the Holy Spirit will remind me to make a concerted effort to make sure that I focus in on the individual who is talking as opposed to the one that is being talked about. After all, they are the one that really needs the healing as they are the one seeking counsel. Of course, with that it may mean saying some things they may not want to hear. This can be tough at times, but if the individual is mature enough in the Lord they will most certainly love you for it in the long run (Proverbs 9:8). If this is an area where you may struggle with you may want to consider directing the individual to someone who can do it properly. If we really want to get to the point of the matter, we need realize that if we are adding fuel to the fire we really are hating the one the seeks counsel and if we truly love them we are doing our part to put the fire out (Proverbs 10:12)
This brings about the other side of the coin - the one seeking counsel. Do we really want to actually come to resolution and healing in the situation? Or are we just wanting to simply unload a bunch of bitter words in hopes that we have found someone that has our back on the matter and that will say things that will make us simply "feel good" for the moment? I really believe that this parallels with the same mentality of being one that does not put up with "sound doctrine" that 2 Timothy 4 tells us about. It goes on to say that in order to suit their own desires that these individuals gather around themselves teachers that say what they want their "itching ears" to hear. They are the ones that turn their back on God's truth and follow myths. Now of course hurt does have to be dealt with and things need to come out but with that there needs to be a maturity to accept some responsibility and work through things that we might have missed on our own end. Proverbs 12:15 tells us that we may think we may be right and even think we are taking the right steps but this is foolish if we don't heed true Godly counsel. We really need to go into a session of counsel with the heart of "Okay God, I may hear some things that I may not want to hear but none-the-less not my will but Yours be done!"
This really brings me to the final point - to receive true Godly counsel we need to be able to recognize God's voice like John 15 tells us so we need to really spend time with Him. Spend time in prayer and in the Word to be able know His voice. If we don't we will be more likely to be turned towards fables instead of true Godly edification (1 Timothy 1:4)
So let's take time to evaluate. What kind of counsel are we giving? Are we putting out fires or adding fuel to them? What kind of counsel are we receiving? Are we really willing to be able to mature and hear some things we may not want hear? More over, do we really know the voice of God enough to be able to distinguish the truth to receive Godly counsel?
I thank God for the men He has put in my life that have helped me through some tough situations and are willing to be able to give me the true counsel of God. I thank God for His word that keeps me on His path and keeps me in His understanding and finally I thank God for my wife who has given me some good Godly counsel over the years. There were times where I was rebellious and didn't properly receive it as I went with "my own" understanding. So finally I want thank God for His grace and mercy that He has shown me time and again along with those who have extended that grace and mercy towards me!
Praise the Lord... His mercy and love endures forever!
This is not to say that you can't talk about a situation that is going on to get the counsel that you need. The underlying question is where does that conversation lead? What is the fruit of the conversation? Unfortunately when we have issues that have to be dealt with they oftentimes involve other people. To the one giving counsel - did your opinion of the person that is being brought up change to something less than before? Did you give advice based on that opinion or add fuel to the fire that the person who came to you for counsel? Proverbs 26 tells us that "where there is no fuel a fire goes out" and "where there is no gossip arguments come to an end". Are we actually trying to put out those fires or are we simply "adding wood" to the fire? It is so hard because this gossip a lot of times will come in what a lot of times will seem to be such a sympathetic and caring word or as Proverbs 26 continues to tell us "nothing so delicious" and "it melts in your mouth" but behind it there are "hateful thoughts" and "evil plans". We are warned here to watch out for anyone like this because they are really "out to get you".
So for those of us put in the position of counselor we need to look beyond what is being said and do our part to heal the situation (or put out the fire). After all, we all are broken humans that have our share of issues that we need to approach with the compassion and understanding. Whenever someone comes to me for "brotherly advice" the Holy Spirit will remind me to make a concerted effort to make sure that I focus in on the individual who is talking as opposed to the one that is being talked about. After all, they are the one that really needs the healing as they are the one seeking counsel. Of course, with that it may mean saying some things they may not want to hear. This can be tough at times, but if the individual is mature enough in the Lord they will most certainly love you for it in the long run (Proverbs 9:8). If this is an area where you may struggle with you may want to consider directing the individual to someone who can do it properly. If we really want to get to the point of the matter, we need realize that if we are adding fuel to the fire we really are hating the one the seeks counsel and if we truly love them we are doing our part to put the fire out (Proverbs 10:12)
This brings about the other side of the coin - the one seeking counsel. Do we really want to actually come to resolution and healing in the situation? Or are we just wanting to simply unload a bunch of bitter words in hopes that we have found someone that has our back on the matter and that will say things that will make us simply "feel good" for the moment? I really believe that this parallels with the same mentality of being one that does not put up with "sound doctrine" that 2 Timothy 4 tells us about. It goes on to say that in order to suit their own desires that these individuals gather around themselves teachers that say what they want their "itching ears" to hear. They are the ones that turn their back on God's truth and follow myths. Now of course hurt does have to be dealt with and things need to come out but with that there needs to be a maturity to accept some responsibility and work through things that we might have missed on our own end. Proverbs 12:15 tells us that we may think we may be right and even think we are taking the right steps but this is foolish if we don't heed true Godly counsel. We really need to go into a session of counsel with the heart of "Okay God, I may hear some things that I may not want to hear but none-the-less not my will but Yours be done!"
This really brings me to the final point - to receive true Godly counsel we need to be able to recognize God's voice like John 15 tells us so we need to really spend time with Him. Spend time in prayer and in the Word to be able know His voice. If we don't we will be more likely to be turned towards fables instead of true Godly edification (1 Timothy 1:4)
So let's take time to evaluate. What kind of counsel are we giving? Are we putting out fires or adding fuel to them? What kind of counsel are we receiving? Are we really willing to be able to mature and hear some things we may not want hear? More over, do we really know the voice of God enough to be able to distinguish the truth to receive Godly counsel?
I thank God for the men He has put in my life that have helped me through some tough situations and are willing to be able to give me the true counsel of God. I thank God for His word that keeps me on His path and keeps me in His understanding and finally I thank God for my wife who has given me some good Godly counsel over the years. There were times where I was rebellious and didn't properly receive it as I went with "my own" understanding. So finally I want thank God for His grace and mercy that He has shown me time and again along with those who have extended that grace and mercy towards me!
Praise the Lord... His mercy and love endures forever!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Defying Our Logic
Have you ever had what you deemed to be the "perfect plan?" Maybe a career path or a plan to save up to buy that special something like a house or a car. Perhaps it was a plan to get married at a certain age, buy that house, and have 2 kids, raise them, have them go to college and then retire and buy a condo in Florida. You may be just starting your plan or maybe you are in the midst of it only to find out that things aren't quite going according to your plan. Maybe it seems like on the surface things are going a completely opposite direction from your plan was or maybe your plan has suddenly taken a different path that actually seems better than your original plans.
In my reading a couple days ago I found myself in 2 Kings chapter 5 where there was a commander of the army in Aram named Naaman. Because of his position people looked up to him and held him in high regard. I also imagine that because of his position he often got his way. There was one thing that plagued Aram and that was leprosy. He wanted this leprosy gone (as I'm sure most of us would) but he wasn't sure what to do until he heard a word from his wife's servant about a prophet who lived in Samaria. So Naamaan consulted the King and the king told him to go and helped finance his trip. He also he sent a letter to the King of Israel to request that he be cured of his leprosy. When the King of Israel read the letter he was greatly distressed because he knew that he did not have the power to cure Naaman of his leprosy. While this was going on the prophet Elisha heard about it and sent word to the King to have Naaman come to him. So Naaman and his crew went to Elisha's house. Of course Naaman realizing that he was going to the prophet's house went with all sorts of preconceptions, or what he deemed to be his "perfect plan", on how things were going to work. He thought, "Surely Elisha was going to come out to see him personally, call on the Name of the Lord, wave his hand over me and then I would be cured!" Instead Elisha sends a messenger telling to wash in the Jordan River seven times. This angered Naaman and then he started questioning the choice of the Jordan River saying "Aren't the rivers Abana and Pharpar in Damascus better?" Fortunately one of Naaman's servants was there to help Naaman and convinced him to go to the Jordan River where he washed seven times and sure enough despite all of Naaman's anger and pre-coneptions the Bible tells us that his flesh was completely restored and became like the flesh of a young boy!
Do our plans put God in a box? Do we have certain expectations on how things should work and when they don't go quite the way we expected we throw a fit about it? Would we have been level headed enough to finally decide to go to the Jordan River to clean our selves or would we have stormed off and gave it all up so that we would continue to be plagued with leprosy? So things in life may not go according to our plans and our logic. The question is, how are we handling those changes or those things that are defying our logic? Are we storming off? Are we quitting? Are we giving up on God? Are we giving up on our spouses, our family, and our friends? Or are we, despite how it may frustrate us, actually going after God and saying, "Okay God, I may not understand this but I know what your Word says and despite my understanding I am going to go your way." The amazing thing that I have found out is that when I make that decision to go after God's Word that He actually had a BETTER plan for me all along with even better blessings.
So what about you? Have you ever had your logic defied? What did you do? Or more to the point - What are you going to do?
Blessings and Love!
In my reading a couple days ago I found myself in 2 Kings chapter 5 where there was a commander of the army in Aram named Naaman. Because of his position people looked up to him and held him in high regard. I also imagine that because of his position he often got his way. There was one thing that plagued Aram and that was leprosy. He wanted this leprosy gone (as I'm sure most of us would) but he wasn't sure what to do until he heard a word from his wife's servant about a prophet who lived in Samaria. So Naamaan consulted the King and the king told him to go and helped finance his trip. He also he sent a letter to the King of Israel to request that he be cured of his leprosy. When the King of Israel read the letter he was greatly distressed because he knew that he did not have the power to cure Naaman of his leprosy. While this was going on the prophet Elisha heard about it and sent word to the King to have Naaman come to him. So Naaman and his crew went to Elisha's house. Of course Naaman realizing that he was going to the prophet's house went with all sorts of preconceptions, or what he deemed to be his "perfect plan", on how things were going to work. He thought, "Surely Elisha was going to come out to see him personally, call on the Name of the Lord, wave his hand over me and then I would be cured!" Instead Elisha sends a messenger telling to wash in the Jordan River seven times. This angered Naaman and then he started questioning the choice of the Jordan River saying "Aren't the rivers Abana and Pharpar in Damascus better?" Fortunately one of Naaman's servants was there to help Naaman and convinced him to go to the Jordan River where he washed seven times and sure enough despite all of Naaman's anger and pre-coneptions the Bible tells us that his flesh was completely restored and became like the flesh of a young boy!
Do our plans put God in a box? Do we have certain expectations on how things should work and when they don't go quite the way we expected we throw a fit about it? Would we have been level headed enough to finally decide to go to the Jordan River to clean our selves or would we have stormed off and gave it all up so that we would continue to be plagued with leprosy? So things in life may not go according to our plans and our logic. The question is, how are we handling those changes or those things that are defying our logic? Are we storming off? Are we quitting? Are we giving up on God? Are we giving up on our spouses, our family, and our friends? Or are we, despite how it may frustrate us, actually going after God and saying, "Okay God, I may not understand this but I know what your Word says and despite my understanding I am going to go your way." The amazing thing that I have found out is that when I make that decision to go after God's Word that He actually had a BETTER plan for me all along with even better blessings.
So what about you? Have you ever had your logic defied? What did you do? Or more to the point - What are you going to do?
Blessings and Love!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Make It "Personal"
Has God ever told you something that others have tried to talk you out of? Even worse, have you ever been talked out of something that God has told you specifically to do? Or how about this, have you ever been told to do something by someone that just didn't seem right and you weren't sure what to do? Well let me ask you this... how is your relationship with the Lord? Do you really know His voice? If it's a good steady relationship where you can say that you know His voice, then why should you doubt?
The other day in my "daily reading" I found myself in 1 Kings 13 and the Holy Spirit really ministered to my heart about some things and kept bringing me back to them. In this verses 1-26 we have a the story of a "younger" prophet who heard from the Lord that on his journey he was not to eat and drink and that he was not to go home back the same way he came. He was obedient to this in his first encounter with Jeraboam but when he encountered the "older" prophet he was deceived by him and ended up going against what God had commanded him. This sin caused the younger prophet to be killed by a Lion and he was not buried with his family. Why did he decide to go with the "older" prophet's word over God's word? Was it because he was more experienced? Maybe he held a position of authority that made it very easy for the person to fall into the deceit. It is so important to have a personal relationship with the Lord and follow the command that He tells you and not let the influence of others interfere with that even if those others might be in a position of authority over you or a declared prophet.
Now let me clarify something here... this is for areas in your own personal life not in some area where you do not have authority. So no, God is not going to call you to overthrow your boss at work or your Pastor at church and do something that they did not allow or authorize. God is a God of order and not chaos. He may call you to give a word to your boss or pastor (be absolutely certain before you do and be very careful how you address it with them) and then it is up to them to take heed or not.
What God will always talk to us about is about things in our personal life, our homes, our family relationships, our marriages, where we are called to serve, who we are to minister to next, etc. Bottom line it is about what God says to us directly and it is about our own personal relationship with him. We can't let anyone take us away from that or try to influence another direction... even if they are "ones in authority". Be sure to check your leadings in this... does it line up with the Word of God? Jesus told us in John 10:27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." Besides time in the Word we must also spend time in prayer, talking to Him and letting Him talk to us. Here is a little secret when He does talk to us... LISTEN! After that be obedient to what He tells you and don't let anyone else talk you out of it. I can't help but think about Elijah when he was the only prophet for the God of Israel when he faced the 450 prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18). He could allowed the pressure of the multitude get to him and back down but he didn't and did the God show up in a major way for Him!
So how is our "personal" time? Are we letting God speak to us and are we really spending time with Him? How will we know what is God's voice speaking to us or someone else just trying to take control of our lives. It's time to start making it "personal" folks!
Blessings and Love!
The other day in my "daily reading" I found myself in 1 Kings 13 and the Holy Spirit really ministered to my heart about some things and kept bringing me back to them. In this verses 1-26 we have a the story of a "younger" prophet who heard from the Lord that on his journey he was not to eat and drink and that he was not to go home back the same way he came. He was obedient to this in his first encounter with Jeraboam but when he encountered the "older" prophet he was deceived by him and ended up going against what God had commanded him. This sin caused the younger prophet to be killed by a Lion and he was not buried with his family. Why did he decide to go with the "older" prophet's word over God's word? Was it because he was more experienced? Maybe he held a position of authority that made it very easy for the person to fall into the deceit. It is so important to have a personal relationship with the Lord and follow the command that He tells you and not let the influence of others interfere with that even if those others might be in a position of authority over you or a declared prophet.
Now let me clarify something here... this is for areas in your own personal life not in some area where you do not have authority. So no, God is not going to call you to overthrow your boss at work or your Pastor at church and do something that they did not allow or authorize. God is a God of order and not chaos. He may call you to give a word to your boss or pastor (be absolutely certain before you do and be very careful how you address it with them) and then it is up to them to take heed or not.
What God will always talk to us about is about things in our personal life, our homes, our family relationships, our marriages, where we are called to serve, who we are to minister to next, etc. Bottom line it is about what God says to us directly and it is about our own personal relationship with him. We can't let anyone take us away from that or try to influence another direction... even if they are "ones in authority". Be sure to check your leadings in this... does it line up with the Word of God? Jesus told us in John 10:27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." Besides time in the Word we must also spend time in prayer, talking to Him and letting Him talk to us. Here is a little secret when He does talk to us... LISTEN! After that be obedient to what He tells you and don't let anyone else talk you out of it. I can't help but think about Elijah when he was the only prophet for the God of Israel when he faced the 450 prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18). He could allowed the pressure of the multitude get to him and back down but he didn't and did the God show up in a major way for Him!
So how is our "personal" time? Are we letting God speak to us and are we really spending time with Him? How will we know what is God's voice speaking to us or someone else just trying to take control of our lives. It's time to start making it "personal" folks!
Blessings and Love!
Monday, June 08, 2009
Heart Of A Leader
As God's creation we have been given an innate instinct to be leaders as He commanded us in Genesis 1 to take dominion over all of the creatures on this earth, to fill the earth and subdue it (verses 26-28). Of course this is in the context of animals and the earth in general. But what about humans? Are we instantly good leaders to our brothers and sisters in Christ? If not, what makes us good leaders? Is it about us "laying down the law" and "expressing our authority?" Or is it about something deeper? As leaders are we instantly entitled to certain things that others aren't?
I think one of the greatest examples of a Godly leader shown in the Old Testament was Solomon. What made Solomon so great was his heart. In 1 Kings Chapter 3 we see the heart of Solomon shown in verses 5-14 where, while in Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked him what is it that He (the Lord) should give him. How would we have answered that question? A healthy life? A good home? That smokin' sports car that you have been eyeballing at the local dealership? Maybe for our families to be blessed? While these aren't necessarily bad things to have what really impressed God was Solomon's heart for the people. In verse 6 Solomon acknowledges the position that he was in as king and the awesome responsibility that comes with that. He also acknowledged in verse 7 that he couldn't handle the task on his own as he was a young and inexperienced king with very little knowledge on how to lead. The biggest acknowledgment that Solomon expressed was actually in verse 8 about how all of the people that he was given to lead were the Lord's people, who were great in the eyes of the Lord and so many that he couldn't even count them.
In verse 9 Solomon answers the Lord's question by asking for an understanding heart, that he would be able to distinguish what was good and what was bad, and finally that all of his judgements towards his people were right based on that understanding heart and knowing what was good and bad.
When Solomon made that request the Lord was pleased! How amazing would that be to know that your requests that you made to God actually might put a smile on His face! You see it is about a heart that has the ability to look beyond ourselves and any "selfish ambition" to see the people around us as more important. That we can do right by them, that we can approach them with an understanding heart. This is at the very heart of God and is the example of a loving heart.
Of course you might be thinking "But Dave - is it wrong for me to have that car or that house? What about my health?" No, but it is more about evaluating your heart about the matter. In verses 12 and 13 the Lord tells Solomon because of his heart and asking for that understanding that He was not only going to give him that wisdom and understand but He was also going to give him things that he didn't ask for. The Lord was referring to riches and honour, and even more than that... that there wasn't going to be another King like Solomon! If we read on in Kings we can see countless times where not only that wisdom is shown but how richly blessed Solomon truly was!
So what about us? What about the positions that God has put us in? What about the people in our lives? Are we approaching it with a heart for them or out of a selfish heart? As bosses are we more concerned about our "bottom line" than the well being of our employees? As husbands are we more concerned about what we are getting out of the marriage relationship more than our wives? What about the wives? Are we looking beyond ourselves to our husbands? What about the parents hearts towards our children? I am going to take some time to truly evaluate myself and my heart and see where I am at in all of this so that I can do right by all that I come in contact with daily. I pray that we all can take a moment to do that as I think we might be surprised at what we'll see.
The exciting thing is that when we truly repent and decide to get our hearts right not only will be blessed by being a blessing to others, verse 14 reminds us that as we walk in His ways that we will have long days!
Blessings and Love!
I think one of the greatest examples of a Godly leader shown in the Old Testament was Solomon. What made Solomon so great was his heart. In 1 Kings Chapter 3 we see the heart of Solomon shown in verses 5-14 where, while in Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked him what is it that He (the Lord) should give him. How would we have answered that question? A healthy life? A good home? That smokin' sports car that you have been eyeballing at the local dealership? Maybe for our families to be blessed? While these aren't necessarily bad things to have what really impressed God was Solomon's heart for the people. In verse 6 Solomon acknowledges the position that he was in as king and the awesome responsibility that comes with that. He also acknowledged in verse 7 that he couldn't handle the task on his own as he was a young and inexperienced king with very little knowledge on how to lead. The biggest acknowledgment that Solomon expressed was actually in verse 8 about how all of the people that he was given to lead were the Lord's people, who were great in the eyes of the Lord and so many that he couldn't even count them.
In verse 9 Solomon answers the Lord's question by asking for an understanding heart, that he would be able to distinguish what was good and what was bad, and finally that all of his judgements towards his people were right based on that understanding heart and knowing what was good and bad.
When Solomon made that request the Lord was pleased! How amazing would that be to know that your requests that you made to God actually might put a smile on His face! You see it is about a heart that has the ability to look beyond ourselves and any "selfish ambition" to see the people around us as more important. That we can do right by them, that we can approach them with an understanding heart. This is at the very heart of God and is the example of a loving heart.
Of course you might be thinking "But Dave - is it wrong for me to have that car or that house? What about my health?" No, but it is more about evaluating your heart about the matter. In verses 12 and 13 the Lord tells Solomon because of his heart and asking for that understanding that He was not only going to give him that wisdom and understand but He was also going to give him things that he didn't ask for. The Lord was referring to riches and honour, and even more than that... that there wasn't going to be another King like Solomon! If we read on in Kings we can see countless times where not only that wisdom is shown but how richly blessed Solomon truly was!
So what about us? What about the positions that God has put us in? What about the people in our lives? Are we approaching it with a heart for them or out of a selfish heart? As bosses are we more concerned about our "bottom line" than the well being of our employees? As husbands are we more concerned about what we are getting out of the marriage relationship more than our wives? What about the wives? Are we looking beyond ourselves to our husbands? What about the parents hearts towards our children? I am going to take some time to truly evaluate myself and my heart and see where I am at in all of this so that I can do right by all that I come in contact with daily. I pray that we all can take a moment to do that as I think we might be surprised at what we'll see.
The exciting thing is that when we truly repent and decide to get our hearts right not only will be blessed by being a blessing to others, verse 14 reminds us that as we walk in His ways that we will have long days!
Blessings and Love!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
NT Church = Community
In my daily reading today I found myself in Acts 2 and what really struck me was in verses 41-47 we are really given the definition of what the New Testament church is all about. Ultimately what community is all about as historically many communities were established and based around the church.
In Acts 2:41 it shows the powerful place that God has Peter in ministry as he preached and as a result of the power of God present in that preaching the number of people that were baptized and added to the church that day was 3,000 people! From there we really see what the New Testament Church/Community is all about. We almost can break this down by bullet points.
In Fact, I think I will:
1. They devoted themselves to the teaching.
2. They devoted themselves to fellowship.
3. They devoted themselves to sharing meals together (including the Lord's supper).
4. They devoted themselves to prayer (also worship).
As a result of those four things a deep sense of awe came over those who were in attendance. Was it mainly the teaching or the prayer? In our eyes that can be noted as the most "spiritual" things. But I really believe that what the Holy Spirit was trying to convey to us here was the fact that it was combination of all four of those things. Jesus did after all tell us to not only love the Lord our God but to love one another. The value of this relationship with each other can often-times be downplayed but it is really a vital aspect. This prepared the hearts of everyone there and created that sense of awe which in turn brought about signs miracles and wonders.
From that point everyone there shared in all that they had. Properties, possessions, talents, etc. to see that everyone had their needs met. They not only met at church together but they also met in each others homes and fellow shipped and ate together. They did this with joy and their hearts and abandoned selfishness so that they could truly be generous. Along with everything else they Praised God together and enjoyed each others company.
Finally we are told that the number of people that were joining up with them and being saved increased on a daily basis. I truly believe this is because of the "goodness of God" (Romans 2:4) that leads people to repentance. That my friends is the very definition of the New Testament Church and ultimately is what community is about! I have heard about people starting "church growth" programs and doing different things to bring people in and grow their numbers. Unfortunately the motivation behind this can be somewhat misplaced. Here in Acts 2 we are shown the ultimate church growth program based on the right heart. This is not merely a growth in the number of people attending but it is also a growth in the people themselves. It is my prayer that we become more than mere "church goers" and do our part to bring this into the church. As church leaders it is my prayer that we do our part to promote this in every way possible. I also consider myself blessed to be a part of a church that does indeed promote that!
In Acts 2:41 it shows the powerful place that God has Peter in ministry as he preached and as a result of the power of God present in that preaching the number of people that were baptized and added to the church that day was 3,000 people! From there we really see what the New Testament Church/Community is all about. We almost can break this down by bullet points.
In Fact, I think I will:
1. They devoted themselves to the teaching.
2. They devoted themselves to fellowship.
3. They devoted themselves to sharing meals together (including the Lord's supper).
4. They devoted themselves to prayer (also worship).
As a result of those four things a deep sense of awe came over those who were in attendance. Was it mainly the teaching or the prayer? In our eyes that can be noted as the most "spiritual" things. But I really believe that what the Holy Spirit was trying to convey to us here was the fact that it was combination of all four of those things. Jesus did after all tell us to not only love the Lord our God but to love one another. The value of this relationship with each other can often-times be downplayed but it is really a vital aspect. This prepared the hearts of everyone there and created that sense of awe which in turn brought about signs miracles and wonders.
From that point everyone there shared in all that they had. Properties, possessions, talents, etc. to see that everyone had their needs met. They not only met at church together but they also met in each others homes and fellow shipped and ate together. They did this with joy and their hearts and abandoned selfishness so that they could truly be generous. Along with everything else they Praised God together and enjoyed each others company.
Finally we are told that the number of people that were joining up with them and being saved increased on a daily basis. I truly believe this is because of the "goodness of God" (Romans 2:4) that leads people to repentance. That my friends is the very definition of the New Testament Church and ultimately is what community is about! I have heard about people starting "church growth" programs and doing different things to bring people in and grow their numbers. Unfortunately the motivation behind this can be somewhat misplaced. Here in Acts 2 we are shown the ultimate church growth program based on the right heart. This is not merely a growth in the number of people attending but it is also a growth in the people themselves. It is my prayer that we become more than mere "church goers" and do our part to bring this into the church. As church leaders it is my prayer that we do our part to promote this in every way possible. I also consider myself blessed to be a part of a church that does indeed promote that!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Do we really love Jesus? In John 21:15-19 Jesus poses a question to Peter which we should also use as a sort of "self-evaluation." Jesus asked, "Do you Love me?" I'm sure that all of us would probably respond the way Peter did and say "Lord of course we love you!" But Jesus presents us with a sort of evaluation point for our love for Him when he replied with, "Feed my sheep."
Where is our walk with the Lord? Do we really, and I mean REALLY love Him? Jesus points out to us the importance of service when it comes to our love and heart for Him. It appears that maybe Peter didn't get it initially because Jesus asked him again, "Do you Love me?" This actually frustrates Peter a bit as he comes back with the same answer to which Jesus replies "Tend my sheep."
I have come to realize that if we are to really take a good look at this test we can realize that is not only a test for our love for Jesus but the entire "Golden Rule" of loving the Lord your God with all of your being and also loving others (Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31, and Luke 10:27). Jesus also reminded us that to love and serve in that manner towards others that it would ultimately be like doing it to Him (Matthew 25:40). So where are you at in your service towards your friends, your church, your community? What about your Family? Is there stress in your relationship with your spouse and is the love in that relationship hurting? Husbands where are you in your service towards your wife? Wives where are you in your service towards your husband? Has our relationships become so "inward focused" and become about ourselves that we miss the most important part of servicing others? Over the years I have come to realize that this kind of love and service is something that has to be developed and exercised or it becomes dull. It all comes down to the fact that when you love others by serving them, your love for them grows stronger.
Jesus asked Peter a third time "Do you love?" to which Peter replied "You know everything... You know I love You!" Jesus again came back to saying "Feed my sheep." Hey then tells Peter about his coming death and what kind of sacrifice he will have to make in order to show this kind of love. This is at the very heart of Jesus as He laid down His life in service for us. His entire earthly ministry was based in service and sacrificing Himself for us. Just as He told us in John 15:13 that the greatest love is about laying down our lives.
Jesus sums up his conversation with Peter by saying "Follow me." Jesus is that ultimate example of love and sacrifice. When we go through the Gospels we can see how He was constantly about serving others. It is so important in our lives to sit down and have true fellowship with Jesus in prayer and reading the word so that we can take in that love, that sacrifice, and that service and then walk it out.
Where are we at with this? How are we with being a service to our spouse? to our children? to our parents? to our siblings? to our other family members? to our friends? to our neighbors? to our co-workers? to people that we encounter out of the blue and may never see again? Has our relationships been more focused in on ourselves or is about the other person? I think if we were to really take the time to sit down and be honest with ourselves we might be surprised at what our true motives are. If we were to let God truly talk to us and in turn really listen to what He has to say we might be surprised at what we hear.
So I think I'm going test myself a bit here and let God speak to me no matter how I may not like what I hear initially... what about you?
Where is our walk with the Lord? Do we really, and I mean REALLY love Him? Jesus points out to us the importance of service when it comes to our love and heart for Him. It appears that maybe Peter didn't get it initially because Jesus asked him again, "Do you Love me?" This actually frustrates Peter a bit as he comes back with the same answer to which Jesus replies "Tend my sheep."
I have come to realize that if we are to really take a good look at this test we can realize that is not only a test for our love for Jesus but the entire "Golden Rule" of loving the Lord your God with all of your being and also loving others (Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31, and Luke 10:27). Jesus also reminded us that to love and serve in that manner towards others that it would ultimately be like doing it to Him (Matthew 25:40). So where are you at in your service towards your friends, your church, your community? What about your Family? Is there stress in your relationship with your spouse and is the love in that relationship hurting? Husbands where are you in your service towards your wife? Wives where are you in your service towards your husband? Has our relationships become so "inward focused" and become about ourselves that we miss the most important part of servicing others? Over the years I have come to realize that this kind of love and service is something that has to be developed and exercised or it becomes dull. It all comes down to the fact that when you love others by serving them, your love for them grows stronger.
Jesus asked Peter a third time "Do you love?" to which Peter replied "You know everything... You know I love You!" Jesus again came back to saying "Feed my sheep." Hey then tells Peter about his coming death and what kind of sacrifice he will have to make in order to show this kind of love. This is at the very heart of Jesus as He laid down His life in service for us. His entire earthly ministry was based in service and sacrificing Himself for us. Just as He told us in John 15:13 that the greatest love is about laying down our lives.
Jesus sums up his conversation with Peter by saying "Follow me." Jesus is that ultimate example of love and sacrifice. When we go through the Gospels we can see how He was constantly about serving others. It is so important in our lives to sit down and have true fellowship with Jesus in prayer and reading the word so that we can take in that love, that sacrifice, and that service and then walk it out.
Where are we at with this? How are we with being a service to our spouse? to our children? to our parents? to our siblings? to our other family members? to our friends? to our neighbors? to our co-workers? to people that we encounter out of the blue and may never see again? Has our relationships been more focused in on ourselves or is about the other person? I think if we were to really take the time to sit down and be honest with ourselves we might be surprised at what our true motives are. If we were to let God truly talk to us and in turn really listen to what He has to say we might be surprised at what we hear.
So I think I'm going test myself a bit here and let God speak to me no matter how I may not like what I hear initially... what about you?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Have you see a business faltering although financially business has been very good? What about a ministry coming apart and people parting from it and wondered why? How about a family who is torn apart and not speaking to each other? What I am about to write about here is not necessarily the root cause of these things happening but I have noticed that in a lot instances that I have seen it has been a major element of it.
While doing my regular reading I am also reading a chapter out of Proverbs every day and yesterday while in Proverbs 24 I had a section of it stick out to me and saw some of the things being said happening around me in my life. Verse 23 starts with "Here are some sayings of the wise" which instantly sets us up to realize that we are going to hear something good. It goes on to say "it is wrong to show favoritism when passing judgment." In some translations the word "partiality" is used. Initially when I read this I was using it in the context of a court situation where an individual is being accused of something and the final verdict that was passed was based on partiality but the more and more I meditated on those words I realized that it was much more. What about those moments where as a leader you have the opportunity to give a promotion or a raise and you decide to give it to someone else because you simply "liked them better" even though it was more fitting to give it to someone else? This verse is definitely applicable to this situation as well. What about a situation where a person does something wrong and you "let it slide" because you really like them? Well as you read on in chapter 24 it says that this action will cause the people to curse that leader and ultimately that nations will denounce that leader. So in time this person will eventually no longer even be noted as a leader. If we decide as leaders to deal with people rightly and without partiality verse 25 says that things will go well for us and rich blessings will be showered upon us. Verse 26 tells us when we approach things with this integrity and speak with honesty that it will be like a "friendly kiss" or some translations say a "warm hug" ultimately letting us know that it is going to be a very pleasant and loving thing.
I love how The Message Bible closes out this section of reading in verse 28 by saying, "Don't talk about your neighbors behind their backs—no slander or gossip, please." I have seen many times where leaders will try to influence the thought of others to promote themselves and their cause by "poisoning the pot". They will "give warnings" about individuals to make sure that the others that come in contact with that person will have a precept of whatever that individual might say lacks credibility so I can't take anything they say seriously or even worse the people end up avoiding contact with that individual whatsoever. Well like it or not that leader is in violation of this verse by talking about that person behind their back an ultimately gossiping.
I do have to say that most of the demise and faltering of businesses, ministries and families that I have seen have had a strong element of partiality in one way shape or form. It creates that element of division of strife that James 3:16 talks about and allows every evil work of the devil to come in. Let's take a moment to evaluate ourselves and the situations that we are in and stack it up against the word. Are we trying to influence others? Are we gossiping? Are we showing partiality? Is someone trying to influence me? Is this person showing partiality and gossiping for their own gain? Let's pull ourselves out from those situations and walk in full integrity that is like that "friendly kiss" or "warm hug". What a pleasant place to be!
While doing my regular reading I am also reading a chapter out of Proverbs every day and yesterday while in Proverbs 24 I had a section of it stick out to me and saw some of the things being said happening around me in my life. Verse 23 starts with "Here are some sayings of the wise" which instantly sets us up to realize that we are going to hear something good. It goes on to say "it is wrong to show favoritism when passing judgment." In some translations the word "partiality" is used. Initially when I read this I was using it in the context of a court situation where an individual is being accused of something and the final verdict that was passed was based on partiality but the more and more I meditated on those words I realized that it was much more. What about those moments where as a leader you have the opportunity to give a promotion or a raise and you decide to give it to someone else because you simply "liked them better" even though it was more fitting to give it to someone else? This verse is definitely applicable to this situation as well. What about a situation where a person does something wrong and you "let it slide" because you really like them? Well as you read on in chapter 24 it says that this action will cause the people to curse that leader and ultimately that nations will denounce that leader. So in time this person will eventually no longer even be noted as a leader. If we decide as leaders to deal with people rightly and without partiality verse 25 says that things will go well for us and rich blessings will be showered upon us. Verse 26 tells us when we approach things with this integrity and speak with honesty that it will be like a "friendly kiss" or some translations say a "warm hug" ultimately letting us know that it is going to be a very pleasant and loving thing.
I love how The Message Bible closes out this section of reading in verse 28 by saying, "Don't talk about your neighbors behind their backs—no slander or gossip, please." I have seen many times where leaders will try to influence the thought of others to promote themselves and their cause by "poisoning the pot". They will "give warnings" about individuals to make sure that the others that come in contact with that person will have a precept of whatever that individual might say lacks credibility so I can't take anything they say seriously or even worse the people end up avoiding contact with that individual whatsoever. Well like it or not that leader is in violation of this verse by talking about that person behind their back an ultimately gossiping.
I do have to say that most of the demise and faltering of businesses, ministries and families that I have seen have had a strong element of partiality in one way shape or form. It creates that element of division of strife that James 3:16 talks about and allows every evil work of the devil to come in. Let's take a moment to evaluate ourselves and the situations that we are in and stack it up against the word. Are we trying to influence others? Are we gossiping? Are we showing partiality? Is someone trying to influence me? Is this person showing partiality and gossiping for their own gain? Let's pull ourselves out from those situations and walk in full integrity that is like that "friendly kiss" or "warm hug". What a pleasant place to be!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I found that during my daily reading Proverbs 18 that a handful of verses kept resounding and ministering to my heart. What God kept showing me was the danger in isolating yourself. A lot of times I have taken this thought in the context of how the devil wants to divide us and get us into the "woe is me" mode where we cut off communications and sit around and let ourselves get bombarded with thoughts of self defeat. As I read I was realizing this goes much deeper and affects so many other areas of our life and in particular areas of leadership.
Verses 1 and 2 states "one who isolates himself pursues selfish desires, he rebels against all sound judgment. A fool does not delight in understanding but only wants to show off his opinions." I have encountered many leaders in my life time and the ones that have impressed me the most are the ones that looks to others and actually surround themselves with people of knowledge to take in their wisdom to help accomplish the goal set before them. I have seen this with political leaders, business leaders, and Church leadership. They do what they can to tap into the talent around them and help those individuals grow in their talent in the process. Unfortunately there are a lot leaders who take the isolation route in the sense that they cut off those around them to say "it's my way or the highway." They have no desire to gain greater understanding from those around them and instead want to show their power in order to establish and promote themselves as a leader. Verse 2 calls this mentality the mentality of a fool. It is understandable that there is going to be a vulnerability when you decide to bring on the input of others and sometimes there will be disagreements amongst the people. Ultimately it will come down to the final call of the leader. A good leader will truly weigh out that input that was given and if handled correctly it will show the value of the person's input in the process. This will hopefully help get everyone on board no matter what the final decision is.
Another form of isolation that I have seen with leaders has been in the form of isolating others for their own gain. Verse 5 talks about partiality and how what is just and right ends up being perverted... how? Well as we read on in verse 6 it talks about the lips of this individual stirring up strife and ultimately provoking a beating of that individual. Verse 8 tells us that those words are like choice food that goes straight to the heart of an individual. What needs to be realized that that those words that are being spoken are only going to bring about their own devastation (Verse 7) and ultimately create a trap for their own life.
Ultimately both forms of isolation here is rooted in the first sin, which is the sin of Pride (thank you Pastor Dave for that one!). This pride brings about the man's downfall as stated in verse 12. Verse 12 also tells us honor comes from humility. What greater humility is there than to admit "I may not know everything regarding this matter so I should consult some experts about it." Then we can take this one step further to actually listen to the advice and weigh it all out before giving an answer. If we don't verse 13 reminds us that this is foolishness and will bring disgrace.
I would hope that as leaders we would want our actions and choices to be discerning and based on wisdom. Verse 15 tells us that we are to acquire knowledge and seek to hear wisdom as we seek for it. So it is not a passive thing but an active thing to go after the input of others and really hear things out. We may even go into this thinking that we have the right answer only to find out how far off we might have been. Verse 17 tells us to cross-examine the case to be sure that we are right!
As I come to the end of Chapter 18 I find it interesting that in the midst of all of this that verse 22 tells us that "a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." It is a very powerful thing to have the input and cross-examination that a spouse brings to the table. The even greater power is when the two come to the final decision and are in agreement together!
I don't want this to turn into a gossip session but I am curious... what about you? Have you seen this one in your life? Was it you or someone else leading? What kind of impact did it have? What was the final resolve?
This definitely helped me... maybe it will help you!
Blessings and Love!
Verses 1 and 2 states "one who isolates himself pursues selfish desires, he rebels against all sound judgment. A fool does not delight in understanding but only wants to show off his opinions." I have encountered many leaders in my life time and the ones that have impressed me the most are the ones that looks to others and actually surround themselves with people of knowledge to take in their wisdom to help accomplish the goal set before them. I have seen this with political leaders, business leaders, and Church leadership. They do what they can to tap into the talent around them and help those individuals grow in their talent in the process. Unfortunately there are a lot leaders who take the isolation route in the sense that they cut off those around them to say "it's my way or the highway." They have no desire to gain greater understanding from those around them and instead want to show their power in order to establish and promote themselves as a leader. Verse 2 calls this mentality the mentality of a fool. It is understandable that there is going to be a vulnerability when you decide to bring on the input of others and sometimes there will be disagreements amongst the people. Ultimately it will come down to the final call of the leader. A good leader will truly weigh out that input that was given and if handled correctly it will show the value of the person's input in the process. This will hopefully help get everyone on board no matter what the final decision is.
Another form of isolation that I have seen with leaders has been in the form of isolating others for their own gain. Verse 5 talks about partiality and how what is just and right ends up being perverted... how? Well as we read on in verse 6 it talks about the lips of this individual stirring up strife and ultimately provoking a beating of that individual. Verse 8 tells us that those words are like choice food that goes straight to the heart of an individual. What needs to be realized that that those words that are being spoken are only going to bring about their own devastation (Verse 7) and ultimately create a trap for their own life.
Ultimately both forms of isolation here is rooted in the first sin, which is the sin of Pride (thank you Pastor Dave for that one!). This pride brings about the man's downfall as stated in verse 12. Verse 12 also tells us honor comes from humility. What greater humility is there than to admit "I may not know everything regarding this matter so I should consult some experts about it." Then we can take this one step further to actually listen to the advice and weigh it all out before giving an answer. If we don't verse 13 reminds us that this is foolishness and will bring disgrace.
I would hope that as leaders we would want our actions and choices to be discerning and based on wisdom. Verse 15 tells us that we are to acquire knowledge and seek to hear wisdom as we seek for it. So it is not a passive thing but an active thing to go after the input of others and really hear things out. We may even go into this thinking that we have the right answer only to find out how far off we might have been. Verse 17 tells us to cross-examine the case to be sure that we are right!
As I come to the end of Chapter 18 I find it interesting that in the midst of all of this that verse 22 tells us that "a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." It is a very powerful thing to have the input and cross-examination that a spouse brings to the table. The even greater power is when the two come to the final decision and are in agreement together!
I don't want this to turn into a gossip session but I am curious... what about you? Have you seen this one in your life? Was it you or someone else leading? What kind of impact did it have? What was the final resolve?
This definitely helped me... maybe it will help you!
Blessings and Love!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
John 7:24
In my daily reading I found myself in John 7. I actually had one verse really stand out to me out of this chapter, verse 24 which says, “Look beneath the surface so that you can judge correctly” (NLT).
The context of this scripture was when Jesus was pointing out to the Jews their flaw in getting on Jesus for healing on the Sabbath when in all actuality they were really guilty of the same thing for circumcising on the Sabbath just in order to follow the Law of Moses.
I really find this verse applicable to every one of us today actually as we will look at “surface situations” in order to cast judgment on someone instead of going to the heart of the matter. Do you know the true story behind the situation? Do you really know what the motives are of that individual?
The Amplified says to “be honest in our judgment and do not decide at a glance (superficially and by appearances).” So in other words if unless we look beyond the superficial appearances our judgment is not even an honest one.
I also like how The Message puts it, “Don't be nitpickers; use your head—and heart!—to discern what is right, to test what is authentically right.” I think we all have a tendency to nitpick about things and do it on a very surface level. In order to do this we are told to not only use our head but use our heart. I have heard it put like this, “We want others to judge us by our heart while we judge others by their actions.” Isn’t it interesting how we always seem to grade ourselves “on the curve” so to speak and say, “that isn’t what we meant by what we did” and then turn around and say, “can you believe what that person did?” The Message reminds us to not only discern what is right but to put it to the test to authenticate it. If we only took the time to sit down and talk to some of these individuals that we cast judgment on to hear what is going on with them instead of going around talking to others about it. I think what we find out might actually surprise us.
Of course I also think we need to be aware as to whether or not we might be venturing down a dangerous path by casting any judgment whatsoever as we are reminded in Luke 6:37 to not Judge unless we want to be judged. Besides, 1 Corinthians 13:7 (AMP) tells us that if whoever is walking in God’s love “is ever ready to believe the best of every person.” So let’s cut each other some slack folks. Let’s look beyond the surface to the heart of the matter and ultimately to the heart of the individual to see what it is that God has in store for them and stop being so “nit-picky”.
This is something that God worked with me on today. Who knows? Maybe it will help you too!
Blessings and love!
The context of this scripture was when Jesus was pointing out to the Jews their flaw in getting on Jesus for healing on the Sabbath when in all actuality they were really guilty of the same thing for circumcising on the Sabbath just in order to follow the Law of Moses.
I really find this verse applicable to every one of us today actually as we will look at “surface situations” in order to cast judgment on someone instead of going to the heart of the matter. Do you know the true story behind the situation? Do you really know what the motives are of that individual?
The Amplified says to “be honest in our judgment and do not decide at a glance (superficially and by appearances).” So in other words if unless we look beyond the superficial appearances our judgment is not even an honest one.
I also like how The Message puts it, “Don't be nitpickers; use your head—and heart!—to discern what is right, to test what is authentically right.” I think we all have a tendency to nitpick about things and do it on a very surface level. In order to do this we are told to not only use our head but use our heart. I have heard it put like this, “We want others to judge us by our heart while we judge others by their actions.” Isn’t it interesting how we always seem to grade ourselves “on the curve” so to speak and say, “that isn’t what we meant by what we did” and then turn around and say, “can you believe what that person did?” The Message reminds us to not only discern what is right but to put it to the test to authenticate it. If we only took the time to sit down and talk to some of these individuals that we cast judgment on to hear what is going on with them instead of going around talking to others about it. I think what we find out might actually surprise us.
Of course I also think we need to be aware as to whether or not we might be venturing down a dangerous path by casting any judgment whatsoever as we are reminded in Luke 6:37 to not Judge unless we want to be judged. Besides, 1 Corinthians 13:7 (AMP) tells us that if whoever is walking in God’s love “is ever ready to believe the best of every person.” So let’s cut each other some slack folks. Let’s look beyond the surface to the heart of the matter and ultimately to the heart of the individual to see what it is that God has in store for them and stop being so “nit-picky”.
This is something that God worked with me on today. Who knows? Maybe it will help you too!
Blessings and love!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Don't be so quick to lash out. Instead respond with a calm
demeanor so that you don't get into an argument that leads to bitterness.
Take your time and meditate on God's Word before you speak and make sure
that you represent it properly when you do. Don't be like a loose cannon
that just spouts of any foolish word that comes to mind. Know that
regardless of which route you decide to go with things that God is watching
and waiting to act on your behalf depending on whether or not you choose His
way. When you speak His Word you are speaking life into the scene; life
that can not be broken. If you go off of that Word or even worse try to
twist it to your advantage it will bring instant death onto the scene that
will be hard to recover from. If you get offended when God tries to correct
you then you better check your heart. If you took God's Word seriously you
would take every bit of correction knowing that the benefits will far out
weigh any immediate sacrifice. This is how you will be blessed, and have a
blessed home that will stand the course of time. Sure the selfish ones may
have "moments of good fortune" but unfortunately it will be temporary and
ultimately it will be their undoing. These things that we are taught, we
should not hold them in to ourselves. We should spread it far an wide so
that we can see the harvest of wisdom in our own lives. Only a selfish
person would hold back on such good teaching. Let's look at the heart of
the situation; a selfish man may do some good deeds to be seen by others
but God takes no delight or pleasure in that. But when a man after God's
heart does it as unto the Lord, get ready to see God on the scene because He
loves that! The selfish person will turn away from God's call and this
breaks God's heart because he loves that individual and wants to do mighty
things in that person's life but can't. This will lead to the death and
destruction of that selfish person. The man that goes after God's heart
moves in God's ways and has His power available to Him. It's our choice,
are we going to take the path of the mocker who hates God's correction and
ends up being an utter fool? Or are we going to be the ones after God's own
heart who run to Him, even if it means we might be corrected and receive
that correction so that we can grow up and mature in Him instead of being a
whiny baby? What are we craving? Are we craving God's truth or are we
craving a bunch of silly gossip that has absolutely no intent but to murder
the character of the individual that it is being spoken of. Sure at the
time it may seem like a very enticing way to go and it may seem like there
are some really nice things there but underlying it all there is death and
destruction. The goal for the selfish is to tear others down for their gain
while a person going after God's heart will do all that he can to build
others up and speak life into them. The selfish lazy person will do all
that they can to keep people away because of their fear of losing their
possessions while the man after God's heart receives others with gladness
making sure that their needs are being taken care of. This man after God's
heart are the pride and joy of their parents while the selfish one has
nothing but hatred and contempt for his parents. You have heard it been
said that "ignorance is bliss", well that is only because the person doesn't
know any better. They see the destruction around them and think that is
their lot in life so I am just going to party with what I have. If only
they knew the blessings of going after God's heart and truly sought that.
The selfish man will go about willy-nilly just without plan or purpose
ignoring those who have been put in his life to help him while a man after
God's heart takes heed to God and his leaders and is obedient to what he is
told. Why wouldn't you take heed to that word? After all it brings joy and
happiness to you and it is always there when you need it most! That word
will help you rise above every situation and circumstance and escape the
pits of hell in the process! But the scoffers, the selfish, the proud will
not be able to escape those pits. In fact their very foundation will be
burned and shaken. Their thoughts and imaginations are vile and the Lord
can not stand those thoughts. The sad thing is that they have no one to
blame but themselves. The spew out foolish meaningless thoughts that have
no profit but ultimately will bring destruction while the wise man who goes
after God's heart takes his time before speaking and realizes the power of
His words. The man after God's heart has an intimacy with God and because
of that God hears his prayers and answers them. God knows that He can trust
Him and with that there will be much responsibility that will also produce
many blessings! This will be spirtually, mentally, physically, financially
and materially. Because the man going after God's heart is also humble
enough to admit that he can't do this on his own.
demeanor so that you don't get into an argument that leads to bitterness.
Take your time and meditate on God's Word before you speak and make sure
that you represent it properly when you do. Don't be like a loose cannon
that just spouts of any foolish word that comes to mind. Know that
regardless of which route you decide to go with things that God is watching
and waiting to act on your behalf depending on whether or not you choose His
way. When you speak His Word you are speaking life into the scene; life
that can not be broken. If you go off of that Word or even worse try to
twist it to your advantage it will bring instant death onto the scene that
will be hard to recover from. If you get offended when God tries to correct
you then you better check your heart. If you took God's Word seriously you
would take every bit of correction knowing that the benefits will far out
weigh any immediate sacrifice. This is how you will be blessed, and have a
blessed home that will stand the course of time. Sure the selfish ones may
have "moments of good fortune" but unfortunately it will be temporary and
ultimately it will be their undoing. These things that we are taught, we
should not hold them in to ourselves. We should spread it far an wide so
that we can see the harvest of wisdom in our own lives. Only a selfish
person would hold back on such good teaching. Let's look at the heart of
the situation; a selfish man may do some good deeds to be seen by others
but God takes no delight or pleasure in that. But when a man after God's
heart does it as unto the Lord, get ready to see God on the scene because He
loves that! The selfish person will turn away from God's call and this
breaks God's heart because he loves that individual and wants to do mighty
things in that person's life but can't. This will lead to the death and
destruction of that selfish person. The man that goes after God's heart
moves in God's ways and has His power available to Him. It's our choice,
are we going to take the path of the mocker who hates God's correction and
ends up being an utter fool? Or are we going to be the ones after God's own
heart who run to Him, even if it means we might be corrected and receive
that correction so that we can grow up and mature in Him instead of being a
whiny baby? What are we craving? Are we craving God's truth or are we
craving a bunch of silly gossip that has absolutely no intent but to murder
the character of the individual that it is being spoken of. Sure at the
time it may seem like a very enticing way to go and it may seem like there
are some really nice things there but underlying it all there is death and
destruction. The goal for the selfish is to tear others down for their gain
while a person going after God's heart will do all that he can to build
others up and speak life into them. The selfish lazy person will do all
that they can to keep people away because of their fear of losing their
possessions while the man after God's heart receives others with gladness
making sure that their needs are being taken care of. This man after God's
heart are the pride and joy of their parents while the selfish one has
nothing but hatred and contempt for his parents. You have heard it been
said that "ignorance is bliss", well that is only because the person doesn't
know any better. They see the destruction around them and think that is
their lot in life so I am just going to party with what I have. If only
they knew the blessings of going after God's heart and truly sought that.
The selfish man will go about willy-nilly just without plan or purpose
ignoring those who have been put in his life to help him while a man after
God's heart takes heed to God and his leaders and is obedient to what he is
told. Why wouldn't you take heed to that word? After all it brings joy and
happiness to you and it is always there when you need it most! That word
will help you rise above every situation and circumstance and escape the
pits of hell in the process! But the scoffers, the selfish, the proud will
not be able to escape those pits. In fact their very foundation will be
burned and shaken. Their thoughts and imaginations are vile and the Lord
can not stand those thoughts. The sad thing is that they have no one to
blame but themselves. The spew out foolish meaningless thoughts that have
no profit but ultimately will bring destruction while the wise man who goes
after God's heart takes his time before speaking and realizes the power of
His words. The man after God's heart has an intimacy with God and because
of that God hears his prayers and answers them. God knows that He can trust
Him and with that there will be much responsibility that will also produce
many blessings! This will be spirtually, mentally, physically, financially
and materially. Because the man going after God's heart is also humble
enough to admit that he can't do this on his own.
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