Have you see a business faltering although financially business has been very good? What about a ministry coming apart and people parting from it and wondered why? How about a family who is torn apart and not speaking to each other? What I am about to write about here is not necessarily the root cause of these things happening but I have noticed that in a lot instances that I have seen it has been a major element of it.
While doing my regular reading I am also reading a chapter out of Proverbs every day and yesterday while in Proverbs 24 I had a section of it stick out to me and saw some of the things being said happening around me in my life. Verse 23 starts with "Here are some sayings of the wise" which instantly sets us up to realize that we are going to hear something good. It goes on to say "it is wrong to show favoritism when passing judgment." In some translations the word "partiality" is used. Initially when I read this I was using it in the context of a court situation where an individual is being accused of something and the final verdict that was passed was based on partiality but the more and more I meditated on those words I realized that it was much more. What about those moments where as a leader you have the opportunity to give a promotion or a raise and you decide to give it to someone else because you simply "liked them better" even though it was more fitting to give it to someone else? This verse is definitely applicable to this situation as well. What about a situation where a person does something wrong and you "let it slide" because you really like them? Well as you read on in chapter 24 it says that this action will cause the people to curse that leader and ultimately that nations will denounce that leader. So in time this person will eventually no longer even be noted as a leader. If we decide as leaders to deal with people rightly and without partiality verse 25 says that things will go well for us and rich blessings will be showered upon us. Verse 26 tells us when we approach things with this integrity and speak with honesty that it will be like a "friendly kiss" or some translations say a "warm hug" ultimately letting us know that it is going to be a very pleasant and loving thing.
I love how The Message Bible closes out this section of reading in verse 28 by saying, "Don't talk about your neighbors behind their backs—no slander or gossip, please." I have seen many times where leaders will try to influence the thought of others to promote themselves and their cause by "poisoning the pot". They will "give warnings" about individuals to make sure that the others that come in contact with that person will have a precept of whatever that individual might say lacks credibility so I can't take anything they say seriously or even worse the people end up avoiding contact with that individual whatsoever. Well like it or not that leader is in violation of this verse by talking about that person behind their back an ultimately gossiping.
I do have to say that most of the demise and faltering of businesses, ministries and families that I have seen have had a strong element of partiality in one way shape or form. It creates that element of division of strife that James 3:16 talks about and allows every evil work of the devil to come in. Let's take a moment to evaluate ourselves and the situations that we are in and stack it up against the word. Are we trying to influence others? Are we gossiping? Are we showing partiality? Is someone trying to influence me? Is this person showing partiality and gossiping for their own gain? Let's pull ourselves out from those situations and walk in full integrity that is like that "friendly kiss" or "warm hug". What a pleasant place to be!
This is simply a journal of things that God talks to me about as I seek Him. It gives me a point of reference to go back to and who knows? It may be applicable to something going on in your life! (of course off to the side and below you will see other things about me as well)... REMEMBER: "IN ALL THINGS, APPROACH IN LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING"
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I found that during my daily reading Proverbs 18 that a handful of verses kept resounding and ministering to my heart. What God kept showing me was the danger in isolating yourself. A lot of times I have taken this thought in the context of how the devil wants to divide us and get us into the "woe is me" mode where we cut off communications and sit around and let ourselves get bombarded with thoughts of self defeat. As I read I was realizing this goes much deeper and affects so many other areas of our life and in particular areas of leadership.
Verses 1 and 2 states "one who isolates himself pursues selfish desires, he rebels against all sound judgment. A fool does not delight in understanding but only wants to show off his opinions." I have encountered many leaders in my life time and the ones that have impressed me the most are the ones that looks to others and actually surround themselves with people of knowledge to take in their wisdom to help accomplish the goal set before them. I have seen this with political leaders, business leaders, and Church leadership. They do what they can to tap into the talent around them and help those individuals grow in their talent in the process. Unfortunately there are a lot leaders who take the isolation route in the sense that they cut off those around them to say "it's my way or the highway." They have no desire to gain greater understanding from those around them and instead want to show their power in order to establish and promote themselves as a leader. Verse 2 calls this mentality the mentality of a fool. It is understandable that there is going to be a vulnerability when you decide to bring on the input of others and sometimes there will be disagreements amongst the people. Ultimately it will come down to the final call of the leader. A good leader will truly weigh out that input that was given and if handled correctly it will show the value of the person's input in the process. This will hopefully help get everyone on board no matter what the final decision is.
Another form of isolation that I have seen with leaders has been in the form of isolating others for their own gain. Verse 5 talks about partiality and how what is just and right ends up being perverted... how? Well as we read on in verse 6 it talks about the lips of this individual stirring up strife and ultimately provoking a beating of that individual. Verse 8 tells us that those words are like choice food that goes straight to the heart of an individual. What needs to be realized that that those words that are being spoken are only going to bring about their own devastation (Verse 7) and ultimately create a trap for their own life.
Ultimately both forms of isolation here is rooted in the first sin, which is the sin of Pride (thank you Pastor Dave for that one!). This pride brings about the man's downfall as stated in verse 12. Verse 12 also tells us honor comes from humility. What greater humility is there than to admit "I may not know everything regarding this matter so I should consult some experts about it." Then we can take this one step further to actually listen to the advice and weigh it all out before giving an answer. If we don't verse 13 reminds us that this is foolishness and will bring disgrace.
I would hope that as leaders we would want our actions and choices to be discerning and based on wisdom. Verse 15 tells us that we are to acquire knowledge and seek to hear wisdom as we seek for it. So it is not a passive thing but an active thing to go after the input of others and really hear things out. We may even go into this thinking that we have the right answer only to find out how far off we might have been. Verse 17 tells us to cross-examine the case to be sure that we are right!
As I come to the end of Chapter 18 I find it interesting that in the midst of all of this that verse 22 tells us that "a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." It is a very powerful thing to have the input and cross-examination that a spouse brings to the table. The even greater power is when the two come to the final decision and are in agreement together!
I don't want this to turn into a gossip session but I am curious... what about you? Have you seen this one in your life? Was it you or someone else leading? What kind of impact did it have? What was the final resolve?
This definitely helped me... maybe it will help you!
Blessings and Love!
Verses 1 and 2 states "one who isolates himself pursues selfish desires, he rebels against all sound judgment. A fool does not delight in understanding but only wants to show off his opinions." I have encountered many leaders in my life time and the ones that have impressed me the most are the ones that looks to others and actually surround themselves with people of knowledge to take in their wisdom to help accomplish the goal set before them. I have seen this with political leaders, business leaders, and Church leadership. They do what they can to tap into the talent around them and help those individuals grow in their talent in the process. Unfortunately there are a lot leaders who take the isolation route in the sense that they cut off those around them to say "it's my way or the highway." They have no desire to gain greater understanding from those around them and instead want to show their power in order to establish and promote themselves as a leader. Verse 2 calls this mentality the mentality of a fool. It is understandable that there is going to be a vulnerability when you decide to bring on the input of others and sometimes there will be disagreements amongst the people. Ultimately it will come down to the final call of the leader. A good leader will truly weigh out that input that was given and if handled correctly it will show the value of the person's input in the process. This will hopefully help get everyone on board no matter what the final decision is.
Another form of isolation that I have seen with leaders has been in the form of isolating others for their own gain. Verse 5 talks about partiality and how what is just and right ends up being perverted... how? Well as we read on in verse 6 it talks about the lips of this individual stirring up strife and ultimately provoking a beating of that individual. Verse 8 tells us that those words are like choice food that goes straight to the heart of an individual. What needs to be realized that that those words that are being spoken are only going to bring about their own devastation (Verse 7) and ultimately create a trap for their own life.
Ultimately both forms of isolation here is rooted in the first sin, which is the sin of Pride (thank you Pastor Dave for that one!). This pride brings about the man's downfall as stated in verse 12. Verse 12 also tells us honor comes from humility. What greater humility is there than to admit "I may not know everything regarding this matter so I should consult some experts about it." Then we can take this one step further to actually listen to the advice and weigh it all out before giving an answer. If we don't verse 13 reminds us that this is foolishness and will bring disgrace.
I would hope that as leaders we would want our actions and choices to be discerning and based on wisdom. Verse 15 tells us that we are to acquire knowledge and seek to hear wisdom as we seek for it. So it is not a passive thing but an active thing to go after the input of others and really hear things out. We may even go into this thinking that we have the right answer only to find out how far off we might have been. Verse 17 tells us to cross-examine the case to be sure that we are right!
As I come to the end of Chapter 18 I find it interesting that in the midst of all of this that verse 22 tells us that "a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." It is a very powerful thing to have the input and cross-examination that a spouse brings to the table. The even greater power is when the two come to the final decision and are in agreement together!
I don't want this to turn into a gossip session but I am curious... what about you? Have you seen this one in your life? Was it you or someone else leading? What kind of impact did it have? What was the final resolve?
This definitely helped me... maybe it will help you!
Blessings and Love!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
John 7:24
In my daily reading I found myself in John 7. I actually had one verse really stand out to me out of this chapter, verse 24 which says, “Look beneath the surface so that you can judge correctly” (NLT).
The context of this scripture was when Jesus was pointing out to the Jews their flaw in getting on Jesus for healing on the Sabbath when in all actuality they were really guilty of the same thing for circumcising on the Sabbath just in order to follow the Law of Moses.
I really find this verse applicable to every one of us today actually as we will look at “surface situations” in order to cast judgment on someone instead of going to the heart of the matter. Do you know the true story behind the situation? Do you really know what the motives are of that individual?
The Amplified says to “be honest in our judgment and do not decide at a glance (superficially and by appearances).” So in other words if unless we look beyond the superficial appearances our judgment is not even an honest one.
I also like how The Message puts it, “Don't be nitpickers; use your head—and heart!—to discern what is right, to test what is authentically right.” I think we all have a tendency to nitpick about things and do it on a very surface level. In order to do this we are told to not only use our head but use our heart. I have heard it put like this, “We want others to judge us by our heart while we judge others by their actions.” Isn’t it interesting how we always seem to grade ourselves “on the curve” so to speak and say, “that isn’t what we meant by what we did” and then turn around and say, “can you believe what that person did?” The Message reminds us to not only discern what is right but to put it to the test to authenticate it. If we only took the time to sit down and talk to some of these individuals that we cast judgment on to hear what is going on with them instead of going around talking to others about it. I think what we find out might actually surprise us.
Of course I also think we need to be aware as to whether or not we might be venturing down a dangerous path by casting any judgment whatsoever as we are reminded in Luke 6:37 to not Judge unless we want to be judged. Besides, 1 Corinthians 13:7 (AMP) tells us that if whoever is walking in God’s love “is ever ready to believe the best of every person.” So let’s cut each other some slack folks. Let’s look beyond the surface to the heart of the matter and ultimately to the heart of the individual to see what it is that God has in store for them and stop being so “nit-picky”.
This is something that God worked with me on today. Who knows? Maybe it will help you too!
Blessings and love!
The context of this scripture was when Jesus was pointing out to the Jews their flaw in getting on Jesus for healing on the Sabbath when in all actuality they were really guilty of the same thing for circumcising on the Sabbath just in order to follow the Law of Moses.
I really find this verse applicable to every one of us today actually as we will look at “surface situations” in order to cast judgment on someone instead of going to the heart of the matter. Do you know the true story behind the situation? Do you really know what the motives are of that individual?
The Amplified says to “be honest in our judgment and do not decide at a glance (superficially and by appearances).” So in other words if unless we look beyond the superficial appearances our judgment is not even an honest one.
I also like how The Message puts it, “Don't be nitpickers; use your head—and heart!—to discern what is right, to test what is authentically right.” I think we all have a tendency to nitpick about things and do it on a very surface level. In order to do this we are told to not only use our head but use our heart. I have heard it put like this, “We want others to judge us by our heart while we judge others by their actions.” Isn’t it interesting how we always seem to grade ourselves “on the curve” so to speak and say, “that isn’t what we meant by what we did” and then turn around and say, “can you believe what that person did?” The Message reminds us to not only discern what is right but to put it to the test to authenticate it. If we only took the time to sit down and talk to some of these individuals that we cast judgment on to hear what is going on with them instead of going around talking to others about it. I think what we find out might actually surprise us.
Of course I also think we need to be aware as to whether or not we might be venturing down a dangerous path by casting any judgment whatsoever as we are reminded in Luke 6:37 to not Judge unless we want to be judged. Besides, 1 Corinthians 13:7 (AMP) tells us that if whoever is walking in God’s love “is ever ready to believe the best of every person.” So let’s cut each other some slack folks. Let’s look beyond the surface to the heart of the matter and ultimately to the heart of the individual to see what it is that God has in store for them and stop being so “nit-picky”.
This is something that God worked with me on today. Who knows? Maybe it will help you too!
Blessings and love!
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